Before learning how to get rid of insomnia you must know the three different types of insomnia. Transient insomnia is the most common type of insomnia which occurs in a short period of one night to a few weeks. It is a temporary insomnia experienced by people with sudden changes or stress in their life. Another type is acute insomnia which takes longer between 3 weeks to 6 months of consistent poor quality sleep or inability to sleep. And the most serious type of insomnia is the chronic insomnia which sufferers experience every night. It’s important to learn how to get rid of insomnia before it could become chronic and serious.
Insomniacs have a high tendency to acquire mental disorders like anxiety and depression that’s why it’s essential that insomnia sufferers must seek help and know how to get rid of insomnia before it could get more serious. Some people never seek help and just rely on sleeping pills until sleeping pills are no longer effective.
To learn how to get rid of insomnia you must know the causes of insomnia. Causes of insomnia include illness, stress, anxiety, medications, caffeine and fear. Anxious and worrier people are prone to develop sleeping disorder. These are things you can do to learn how to get rid of insomnia.
- To learn how to get rid of insomnia, you need to have a sleep and wake up routine. Go to sleep and wake up on the same time. This will teach your body a regular sleep cycle and when you get used to it, you will be sleepy when it’s time to go to bed.
- Sleep only when you are sleepy. As much as possible do not take naps. If you need a nap just make it less than one hour.
- A regular exercise early in the morning is good for insomniacs but do not put exercise equipment in your bedroom and do not exercise before bedtime.
- Do not go to bed with an empty stomach but do not eat heavy meal before bed time. Get rid of caffeine. If you can’t get rid of it, avoid caffeine 4 hours before bedtime. Instead drink milk before going to bed.
- A hot bath is good before bedtime to relax your muscles ad you will feel sleepy afterwards. Wear comfortable sleeping clothes.
- Clutter-free your bedroom. Your bedroom is a place for you to relax and sleep well. Do not watch TV, read books, work on your computer while in bed. Condition your body that your bed is for sleeping only and when you go to bed your body will respond and recognize that it’s sleeping time.
- If you can’t sleep after a few minutes, get up and do something not stressful or something that will induce sleep like listening to relaxing music while watching the fish in your aquarium etc.
Did you know that there are people who have learned how to get rid of insomnia permanently without drugs? Cure your insomnia visit Sleep Well and Tight
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